We are deeply saddened to announce the death of our beloved mother Eileen Wiggins on 5th June 2021. Born on 19th June 1930 to David and Vera Green. Eileen grew up in Chiswick and relocated to Berkshire during the war years. She met her future husband Derek when she was 14 years old and they married in 1955. She was often heard to say ‘ I just married the right man’ and 60 years later this was still the case when he passed away. Caroline was a long awaited daughter, joined by brother Clive a few years later. With the family complete, she set about working with Derek who had joined David Green in business. Her role grew and developed until she became the leading light. Strong, savvy, a pioneer, role model, female tycoon, formidable, perceptive kind, compassionate and caring are words used to describe her. She set about setting up a factory starting with one machine, achieving world class manufacturing awards.>
Dealing in a man’s world, negotiating to buy heavy machinery, tools, raw materials was nothing she was trained to do, but she became expert at it and was admired and respected by her peers. However, she developed a broad range of interests and was elected as a Fellow of the Institute of Directors, she worked with Professor Lawler at the London Business School to set up the BDPA, the forerunner of the FPA our industry trade association, she was regularly featured on radio, television and was written about in magazines, newspapers and books. However, the pinnacle came when she was voted Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Of The Year which appropriately came with a free supply of champagne and a silver tasting dish ! But maybe her true legacy was the long list of people she helped and mentored. Behind the steely veneer was a heart of gold, empathy and kindness helping and supporting people where she could. Her generosity of spirit will be long remembered by those whose life she transformed.
To see where Eileen really got her strength of character from we would need to look back to her grandparents. Arriving in this country without a penny to their name, Simon Green built a multimillion-pound empire. The grit and determination needed to build a new life in England was the sort of strength and drive Eileen showed all her life. The iron fist in the velvet glove was literal. Anyone who shook hands with her, often winced, as she did the ‘power shake’, this did not desert her even at the end. He had a love of beauty and fine things and she too loved music, paintings, jewelry, clothes, flowers, and of course as Esther will know shoes! However, music was her passion, and although she never had the opportunity to take formal lessons like her father, grandfather, uncle, cousin John, and son Clive she loved opera above all else. Pavarotti was her idle and she was lucky enough to hear him sing in many places including Covent Garden. Visiting opera houses in Vienna, Prague, Paris, Venice, and Glyndebourne, it was Tosca and La Bohème under the stars at Torre Lago in Italy that held many magical memories. She also encouraged her family to enjoy and share her delight in music with both Joshua and Lilly, her grandchildren proudly winning music scholarships at their respective schools.
She was lucky enough to travel the world, camping out in Africa, achieving her long-held dream of visiting the Taj Mahal in India, traveling through Europe on the Orient Express, clubbing in Germany, spending all night in jazz clubs in Paris, dining at Buckingham palace, backing Derby winners, she liked nothing better than to be on the go. However, if anything sums Eileen up it is the word ‘Love’ ..her love of life, her passion for the business, her deep affection for her friends and colleagues, and her unreserved love for her us her children and her grandchildren Esther, Joshua, and Lilly. She leaves a huge void in our lives, but her spirit and legacy will live on in those lives she has touched and the company that bears her name.
If you would like to give a donation in Eileen’s memory please support The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, which was a cause she raised funds for. The Hospital has supported us and many of our friends, family and colleagues in difficult times, so we would be very grateful for any donations.
Caroline and Clive Wiggins
Charity Donation In Memory of Eileen Wiggins
Donate to The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity
The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity Donations
Robin & Gina
In memory of Eileen, whose kindness will never be forgotten.
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
Brian Nash
So saddened to hear of Eileen's passing. I enjoyed working her and Derek during my time at Plastico and there was never a dull moment. Condolences to Caroline and family
Stephen and Sarah Cooper
In memory of Eileen who gave me my first management opportunity and mentored me in the 90s, with fond memories
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
James Taylor
In memory of a remarkable woman who I knew for only a few short years, but very much has left a lasting impression. Rest in peace, Mrs. Wiggins.
£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
Brenda Knorpel
In memory of my special friend and a half.
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
Remarkable,lovely lady.A privilege to know. May her memory be a blessing
£100.00 + £25.00 Gift Aid
£20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid
£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
£100.00 + £25.00 Gift Aid
John Reeves
In memory of Eileen Wiggins. A remarkable lady who enjoyed life to the full and had a real sparkle in her eye. Loved by everyone who knew her and will be sadly missed. Rest in peace Mrs Wiggins.
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
James Sinclair
Eileen was an inspiration to me and all at eGreen and she will be very much missed.
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
I did not know her as long as other people in eGreen but in that short time she made a lasting impression on me. Her candle has burnt out, but the light she left still shines bright,
£25.00 + £6.25 Gift Aid
£25.00 + £6.25 Gift Aid
Robert and Amanda Knight
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
£10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid

The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity
£745.00 + Gift Aid of £172.50
In partnership with JustGiving