Devoted husband of Amy, Daddy to Eddie and Ollie. James is survived by his father Chris, mother Julie and sister Victoria.
After his valiant battle with cancer, James passed away in Princess Alice Hospice. Donations may be made, to help and support the charity as a thank you for their efforts in keeping James, and his family comfortable.
Charity Donation In Memory of James William Wheatley
Donate to Princess Alice Hospice
Princess Alice Hospice Donations
£100.00 + £25.00 Gift Aid
£100.00 + £25.00 Gift Aid
£100.00 + £25.00 Gift Aid
Katie, Alex & Penny
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
£10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid
£25.00 + £6.25 Gift Aid
Viv and Robert Duke
Our thoughts are with you all today RIP James
£25.00 + £6.25 Gift Aid
Sam and Dan Fookes
Thank you for caring for our friend and his family
£20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid
£40.00 + £10.00 Gift Aid
Uncle Rich & Kiely
Thank you for the incredible care you give, the care you gave to James and your continued support for Amy, Ed and Ollie.
£100.00 + £25.00 Gift Aid
Stephen and Sue Tite
Heartfelt condolences to all the family. Rest in peace James.
£25.00 + £6.25 Gift Aid
Doreen & Family
In loving memory of James, Son, Husband and Father. May you Rest in Peace XXX
£100.00 + £25.00 Gift Aid
Samantha, Mark and Lucas
Thinking of you all. Sending continued support and love. xxx
£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
Uncle Nick and Family
To the staff and volunteers at Princess Alice Hospice, a big thank you for your love and care to James and for the continued support for Amy, Eddie and Ollie.
£100.00 + £25.00 Gift Aid
Gray, Irene & Family
Thinking of you all at this difficult time.
£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
Martyn, Sharron, Dan & Amy
Sending love and thinking of you all. Sorry we can't be with you.
£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
Thinking of you all xx
£25.00 + £6.25 Gift Aid
Nanna and grandad torr
Thinking of you all at this sad and difficult time and thanks to the hospice for looking after James With love Nanna Grandad Torr
£10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid
£25.00 + £6.25 Gift Aid
Shelley & Gaiyo
Our thoughts and prayers are with Amy and the boys
£100.00 + £25.00 Gift Aid
Dave jilly Chris Shelly
Thank you for the support and comfort you offered to all the family at this difficult time ❤️ Greaves family
£60.00 + £15.00 Gift Aid
Princess Alice Hospice
£1,155.00 + Gift Aid of £288.75
In partnership with JustGiving