We at Alan Greenwood funeral services understand this is a concerning time for everyone. At this time, we are continuing to take the greatest care of our client families and arrange funerals across the country as we always have. We have applied significant exigence plans to ensure we are able to carry on caring for our client families and the deceased in the coming months with the utmost respect.
We are working closely with the local authorities and our colleagues within the funeral industry to ensure that we provide the services that are needed, also providing the necessary care and protection for both you and also our colleagues.
The situation will continue to change on an almost daily and hourly basis and we will acclimatise accordingly, but right now these are the actions that we have put in place to ensure the welfare of all.
Our procedures
We already work with the highest levels of hygiene and safety standards across all of our funeral homes. We have implemented additional supervision and cleaning procedures in line with guidance from Public Health England to ensure the safety of our staff and all visitors.
When you need to talk to us about arranging a funeral
- If you are affected by Covid-19 or you are self-isolating, we have measures in place that will ensure we can still help you arrange a funeral for you.
- Please call us first before coming to our funeral home so that we can give you the correct guidance.
- We are here 24 hours a day seven days a week. You can find our local funeral home on this website, or you can speak us.
- Please be persevering if we take a little longer to answer the telephone than normal, we are here for you.
- If you have a funeral plan – there may be some changes with how it is used or what it covers. There may be some limits imposed in some areas of our service due to us observing the latest government guidelines. Please call us with your funeral plan documents and you will be given the appropriate guidance for you.
- We will do our utmost to provide you with the dignified service that you need. However, there will be some areas where limitations based upon government guidelines that will have to be adhered to, all crematoriums and cemeteries are having to be restrictive with services and limiting the amount of mourners. We will advise you with clear guidance on what is possible during any arrangements
Alan Greenwood & Sons
Compassionate and Professional
Your calls will be taken in person locally not by a call centre, with complete confidentiality, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Funeral arrangements can be made at our premises, at your home or via email.
Simple Service Cremation £2195.00
To a local crematorium or cemetery, the day and time is at our discretion, a coffin of our choice included. Third party costs are not included and need to be added to the above cost. Local crematoria cost can be found on this website by clicking the pricing tab.
Unattended Cremation £1195.00
When no service and no attendance is required. Day, time and crematorium at our discretion. Provision of our choice of coffin, suitable for the purpose of cremation.
Cremation Fee Included.
Has Someone Passed Away?
We understand at this difficult time you need someone to guide you through it all. We’re on hand to help after someone you love dies.
Arranging a Funeral
We’ll talk you through the process and what’s involved, so that you can make the right decision both for you and your loved ones.
Pre-Paid Funeral Agreement
Funeral plans
As a company we are not a funeral Plan provider.
We are though in most circumstances able to carry out instructions from a funeral plan purchased from a third party. Please contact us, to discuss your needs.