Standardised price list
Funeral service pricing guide
Crematorium price guide
At A Glance price guide
Paying for a funeral
Paying for a funeral is made as easy as possible with Alan Greenwood & Sons, our funeral consultants will discuss payments prior to the day of the funeral, payment is appreciated 7 days before the funeral service. Payment can be made by all of the following methods:
- Bank transfer
- Cheque
- Card
- Bank
- Solicitor
Funeral costs with UK government
In the UK, the government offer something called a Funeral Expenses Payment, for those who get specific benefits or need support with their financial situation. The funeral grant is provided to members of the family – depending on their relationship with the deceased – who are arranging a funeral in the UK, and already receiving at least one of the below benefits:
- Income Support
- Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Pension Credit
- Housing Benefit
- the disability or severe disability element of Working Tax Credit
- Child Tax Credit
- Universal Credit
To find out if you qualify for UK government financial support, take a look at the website.
What to do if you don’t qualify for a Funeral Expenses Payment
If you find that you are not eligible for a Funeral Expenses Payment, you can apply for a crisis loan if you have been on certain benefits for at least six months. If accepted, a crises loan will be provided within five days. It’s also worth knowing you can only apply for a crisis loan if the deceased has left no funds or assets.
Find Your Local Funeral Director
Compassionate and Professional
Your calls will be taken in person locally not by a call centre, with complete confidentiality, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Funeral arrangements can be made at our premises, at your home or via email.
Simple Service Cremation £2195.00
To a local crematorium or cemetery, the day and time is at our discretion, a coffin of our choice included. Third party costs are not included and need to be added to the above cost. Local crematoria cost can be found on this website by clicking the pricing tab.
Unattended Cremation £1195.00
When no service and no attendance is required. Day, time and crematorium at our discretion. Provision of our choice of coffin, suitable for the purpose of cremation.
Cremation Fee Included.

Has Someone Passed Away?
We understand at this difficult time you need someone to guide you through it all. We’re on hand to help after someone you love dies.

Arranging a Funeral
We’ll talk you through the process and what’s involved, so that you can make the right decision both for you and your loved ones.

Pre-Paid Funeral Agreement
Funeral plans
As a company we are not a funeral Plan provider.
We are though in most circumstances able to carry out instructions from a funeral plan purchased from a third party. Please contact us, to discuss your needs.