When choosing which type of funeral your loved one would like, the first choice is whether they would like to be buried or cremated. Once you have decided on either cremation or burial, there are lots of personal choices that we can tailor to you and your loved one.
Funeral Officiate
During the funeral, there is normally a priest, minister or non-religious officiant who conducts the service on the day. He or she will visit you beforehand to discuss what you would like during the service and for some information and stories of the deceased to incorporate into the service. They will offer help and support at this time.
Your choice of coffin
We have a wide range of coffins available to you from the very simple, to the elaborate. We are confident that we will have something suited to your loved one’s wishes in our catalogue or from our showroom. We also supply bearers to carry the coffin, but if members of the family, or friends would like to carry the coffin, this can of course be arranged.
Arranging to visit the deceased
We have a chapel of rest where you can come and visit the deceased. This is a very personal decision and we are there to help you at this time. Clothes and personal belongings can be brought in for the deceased but certain materials and metals when it is a cremation cannot be used. Please ask our advice on this. We do have a selection of robes which are acceptable to the relevant authorities.
Obituary notice
An obituary notice can be placed in a national or local newspaper to inform others of the passing of your loved one. We can help you word and design your obituary to ensure that you are happy with the notice.
Sometimes families wish to restrict the floral tributes to family members only, and request that donations to a chosen charity be an available alternative. Sometimes the family requests both and leaves the decision to the sender. Whichever you choose, we will be able to help you.
If the family wishes to restrict the floral tributes and request donations to a favourite charity, you can send a cheque to us made out to the charity and we will forward it on for you and advise the family. Alternatively you may wish to make a donation online through our obituary link.
After the funeral service you may wish to offer refreshments at your home, or the deceased’s home; or it might be that you want to hire a hall or room. If you would like to have the catering provided for you, we can help with the arrangements.
Service Stationery
Many people like to have an order of service printed for the funeral. The order of service is given out to guests of the funeral, and details any hymns, readings, poems and usually a photograph to celebrate the life of the deceased. We can help to advise on the content and have these printed for you.
There are lots of different options for transport on the day. We can help you decide how you and your close friends and family would like to get to the funeral and arrange transportation for you. We offer limousines which carry six people, and can help with wheelchair access if needed.
We will also help you decide whether you would like to have a traditional hearse, a horse drawn hearse, or a different vehicle.
If there is a special route that you would like to take on the way to the ceremony, this can be arranged. Along with where the cortege will be leaving from and returning to. All of this will be pre-arranged and ready for you and the cortege on the day.
Many people like to have a specific piece of music played on entering, during and leaving the service. This can be anything from traditional organ music to a CD supplied by yourself. Alternatively, you may like a musician playing at the service. We will be happy to help and advise on this, and let you know your options if the location of the ceremony has any restrictions or limitations.
During the service; the officiate, a friend, or relative may like to say a few words about the deceased and this is called a eulogy. A eulogy is a way to say goodbye to your loved one and share memories and stories with the guests. Eulogies will often touch on how the deceased has touched others lives, their character traits and personality, and their likes and dislikes.
If you do not wish to read a eulogy, a poem can be read during the service. A poem is a lovely way to say goodbye and can be included in the order of service.
The cost of the funeral
When you have decided on all your choices we will give you an estimate of the cost. We put this quote together using the following information:
- Professional services which include liaison with third parties, any personnel required to arrange the funeral, and our help and support during this time.
- Collecting the deceased and bringing them into our care.
- Presentation of the deceased in our chapel of rest.
- Hearse and one limousine including 4 bearers.
- The cost of the coffin or casket.
- Additional charges such as extra limousines, additional mileage and cremated remains casket.
- Any payments made on your behalf, which are known as disbursements. These include minister’s fee, burial plot fee or cremation fee (payments for disbursements are requested before the day of the funeral).
We will be able to discuss this with you in more detail when we have all the information on your preferences and specific choices.
The day of the funeral
The day of the funeral can be a very difficult day. We will be there to guide, help and support you through the day, and will ensure that the funeral proceeds on time. Any instructions you have given will be carried out and maintained as previously arranged.
There may be some variation on the day depending on the location and choices that the cortege has made regarding the preferences of the deceased. There are usually four stages of the day.
The first is the funeral procession. Your loved one will be placed in the hearse and slowly driven to either the crematorium or the church. A procession of cars will follow the hearse with the cortege of close family and friends.
Once at the crematorium or church, the second part of the day begins which is the ceremony. The ceremony is different depending on whether the deceased is going to be cremated or buried. We can talk you through the process depending on which you have chosen, however both ceremonies tend to include a eulogy or poem and some words about your loved one.
The third stage is either the burial or cremation. If you have chosen to have a burial, the coffin will be lowered into the ground. If you would rather cremation, the coffin will be obscured by a curtain before being taken away for the cremation.
The last part of the day is the wake, which is where family and friends will celebrate the life of the deceased at a chosen venue or a family member’s home. This tends to last a few hours and often will have food or catering. This is also a good opportunity to include those who may not have been able to go to the funeral such as young children or those with difficulties travelling or requiring special access.
After the funeral
Once the funeral is over, you may feel sad or alone, or unsure of the next steps. We are still here to give you any advice, help and support you may need. Whether you have questions about finances, legalities, memorials or just need some bereavement support,. Please do not hesitate to get in touch and we will guide you in every way we can.
Find Your Local Funeral Director
Compassionate and Professional
Your calls will be taken in person locally not by a call centre, with complete confidentiality, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Funeral arrangements can be made at our premises, at your home or via email.
Simple Service Cremation £2195.00
To a local crematorium or cemetery, the day and time is at our discretion, a coffin of our choice included. Third party costs are not included and need to be added to the above cost. Local crematoria cost can be found on this website by clicking the pricing tab.
Unattended Cremation £1195.00
When no service and no attendance is required. Day, time and crematorium at our discretion. Provision of our choice of coffin, suitable for the purpose of cremation.
Cremation Fee Included.

Has Someone Passed Away?
We understand at this difficult time you need someone to guide you through it all. We’re on hand to help after someone you love dies.

Arranging a Funeral
We’ll talk you through the process and what’s involved, so that you can make the right decision both for you and your loved ones.

Pre-Paid Funeral Agreement
Funeral plans
As a company we are not a funeral Plan provider.
We are though in most circumstances able to carry out instructions from a funeral plan purchased from a third party. Please contact us, to discuss your needs.